Friday, January 22, 2016

Some notes on WWE House Shows 2015

I took all of the house show attendance numbers published in the WON and split them into US/Canada and all other (Int'l includes Puerto Rico in this scenario).I was curious how 2015 was trending, particularly in Q4. As always, this is going to be a snapshot of attendance and certainly won't tie out exactly with WWE's financial reporting (where they don't break out house shows) but it ought to be directionally accurate.This is also being calculated differently than how Dave might be do his monthly comparisons, so I don't know if it will tie out there either.There's about a zillion disclaimers I could give. The difference in 2015 could be attributed to lots of things. TV ratings are down so perhaps interest is down. Cena did less house shows. Top stars are few and far between and some got hurt. Ticket prices have been going up. This doesn't include NXT events. This doesn't include any TV tapings (including Tribute to the Troops). I only compared cities where I had a "baseline" from prior years. If the baseline was one visit, then it's not so hard to be far above or far below. I used a combination of the city that Dave listed and the CageMatch results to reconcile whether WWE was going back to the same city or not. Going back to 2012-2013 means that we're still talking about the era of split brand house shows, so that can influence the numbers. What time of the year the tour is going on can influence the numbers (i.e. the Nov-Dec is usually hot while June can be low. Int'l tours are usually april & nov which is why those numbers were combined with other months.Thought others might be interested in what I found.

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